GO. mhcmed.com/products/easytouch-safety-products/safety-syringes 825201 EasyTouch FluRinge FlipLock Safety Syringe w/ Fixed Needle, 1 mL, 25G, 25mm, 1” Sale price $29 95 $29.95 Regular price $39 95 $39.95 Save $10 close popup. Brand New. Designed with a tri-bevel cut tip for optimal sharpness and film-coated to maximize patient comfort, these needles come in cost-saving case sizes for medical and healthcare facilities. Customers who bought this item also bought. Hands and fingers stay away from the exposed needle. Select atleast one Pharmacy. All Rights Reserved © 2012. If you have questions, ask your pharmacist. SNZ Categories. EasyTouch® FlipLock™ Safety Needles. Sign In Sign Up. Compare Easy Touch Fliplock Syringe prices at pharmacies near you. Consult your pharmacist. Accutrend Plus EasyTouch® FlipLock™ Safety Syringes offer an easy and simple solution in caregiver protection. Hands and fingers stay away from the exposed needle. Be sure to use the flanges (wings) when loading the syringe and injecting to prevent the sheath from sliding. Easy Touch Fluringe Safety Syringes with Fixed Needles are designed with a protective cover sleeve that shields the needle after injection. Easy Touch Syringes, 30 Gauge 1cc ½, 100 Syringes Each Box (0.5 30Gx1/2) $14.40 ($0.14 / 1 Count) Only 10 left in stock - order soon. Flip the protective shield over the used needle until it clicks into place. $12.99. 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EASY TOUCH FLIPLOCK SYRINGE Savings, Coupons and Information. Cart (0) Check Out. Pull the plunger back to withdraw the used needle into the sheath until it clicks and locks into place. Buy Easy Touch FlipLock Safety Needles 50ct 22G 19mm, 3/4 in 812208 with fast shipping and top-rated customer service.Once you know, you Newegg! Easy Touch Fluringe Safety Syringes with Fixed Needle are individually sealed and come in either a FlipLock or SheathLock design. SNZ Categories. Discard according to local regulations. You have no items in your shopping cart. $9.99. After injection, just flip the protective shield over the needle until it clicks and locks in place. EasyTouch syringes come in various body and needle sizes to fit every diabetic's needs and dosages. EasyTouch® Fliplock Safety Insulin Syringe w/Fixed Needle, 31 Gauge, 1cc, 5/16" - 100ct. These syringes have well-defined markings, making proper injections easier than ever. The gradation markings for U-100 insulin of each size are: Size / Maximum … Easy Touch 31g; Pen Needles 100ct; 8mm (5/16 in) Easy Touch Pen Needles are designed and manufactured to the highest quality level possible. $13.57. Save $8 830365 EasyTouch U-100 Insulin Syringes, 30g, .3cc, 5/16″ (8mm), Blue. Sale price $21 99 $21.99 Regular price $29 99 $29.99. You have no items in your shopping cart. Pull the plunger back to load the syringe. The protective sheath slides forward and locks securely over the needle after use. Save up to 10% when you buy more. Lot 70 Easy Touch Fliplock Safety Syringe Needle 25G, 1”-3ml Expired Item 05/20. Free shipping. After injection, just flip the protective shield over the needle until it clicks and locks in place. FEATURES & BENEFITS Easy to Use Protective Cover Shields Needle After Use $21 99 $21.99. This package contains fifty (50) 18G, 10mL, 1.5in (40mm), Model 821807 syringes. This package contains fifty (50) 18G, 10mL, 1.5in (40mm), Model 821807 syringes. Description. $13.99. Found in: 8mm Insulin Syringes > Shop By Brand. After injection, just flip the protective shield over the needle until it clicks and locks in place. They are also film coated at … Perfect for hospitals, clinics, and other care facilities, this TB syringe features a protective cover that flips down over the needle following the injection, maximizing safety and minimizing both patient and practitioner injuries. Syringes are film coated for maximum comfort and line up precisely for accurate readings. Box of 100. Feature no-hub, low dead space technology for accurate dosage and less waste. EasyTouch FlipLock Safety Syringes offer an easy and simple solution in caregiver protection. Consult your pharmacist. Easy Touch FlipLock Syringe 3 mL 21 gauge x 1" Loading... View more photos. Save $4 827555 EasyTouch U-100 Insulin Syringes, 27g, .5cc, 1/2 (12.7mm), Orange. Same pills. Easy Touch Insulin Syringes. Accutrend Plus easy touch fliplock syringe. EasyTouch® FlipLock™ Safety Syringes offer an easy and simple solution in caregiver protection. These syringes have well-defined markings, making proper injections easier than ever. Enter Email Address . SIMPLE & SMART. Directly to your inbox. Medication name. You will quickly recognize this High Level of Quality as you experience a more comfortable injection. 823016 EasyTouch FlipLock Safety Insulin Syringe w/ Fixed Needle, 1 mL, 30G, 8mm, 5/16” Blue. EasyTouch syringes come in three body sizes: 1cc, 5/10cc, and 3/10cc. Pull the plunger back to withdraw the used needle into the syringe barrel and lock it into place. Chenkaiyang 150ml Syringe Pack 150ml Syringe with Tube Plastic Syringe Luer Lock with Measurement for E-Liquids Small Pets Plant No Needle(6 PCS) by Chenkaiyang. Easy Touch. EasyTouch FlipLock Safety Syringes offer an easy and simple solution in caregiver protection. Accessories. Manufacturer: Mhc Medical Products. The photos shown are samples only Not all photos of the drug may be displayed. Next. Primary Nav Button. Easy Touch Tb Fliplock Syringe Prices and Coupons Generic Names: Allergy Syringe, Tuberculin Syringe This is a brand name drug and a generic may be available. $29.99. Easy Touch FlipLock Safety Needles turn conventional syringes into safety syringes at a cost effective price. Buy It Now. We are a young, fast growing company offering high-quality medical products to Pharmacy Wholesalers and their value conscious customers. A clever, smooth and elegant technology. Get up to 80% discount on your prescriptions when you shop with Blink Pharmacy. Categories. EASY TOUCH SHEATHLOCK SYRG NDL SYRINGE 10 ML 21 GAUGE X 1 12 10 ML 22 GAUGE X 1 from HEALTH 1099 at University of California, San Diego EasyTouch® FlipLock™ Safety Insulin Syringes. Transparent barrel gives you an excellent view of syringe … Push the plunger in one smooth motion to administer medication. Baby. Department. SKU: MH821316. Care Touch CTSLS3 3mL Syringe Only with Luer Slip Tip (No Needle), Shape (Pack of 100) 4.7 out of 5 stars 541. 833.544.SHIP (7447) International Sales; My Profile. The FlipLock feature makes it safer for caretakers to handle a syringe after the injection View Shopping Cart. Watch; 60 Units 1cc Syringes Uni-Slip, Sterile, Individually Wrapped 891015 . 5. Break off the plunger to safely trap the used needle. Meters. Available in cost-saving case sizes, this TB syringe … Diabetic Supplies & Devices. Your Cart. How to use. Easy Touch FlipLock Safety Needles fit all standard Luer Lock and Luer Slip syringe barrels. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. EasyTouch® SheathLock™ Safety Syringes offer tried-and-true safety technology. After injection, just flip the protective shield over the needle until it clicks and locks in place. Unit price / per . Securely locked away, snap the plunger off for additional security. Details. After injection, just flip the protective shield over the needle until it clicks and locks in place. Meters. or Best Offer +$5.45 shipping. 829215 EasyTouch FlipLock Safety Insulin Syringe w/ Fixed Needle, 1 mL, 29G, 12.7mm, 1/2” Green, Protective Cover Shields Needle After Use, Familiar Technology Requires Limited Training, choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 . Lower prices. Your medication may look different. Easy Touch Fliplock Safety Syr 27G X 1/2" 1 Ml DEVICES devices: DEVICES devices: 27G X 1/2" 1 ML: Easy Touch Glucose System Kit W/Device DEVICES devices: DEVICES devices: KIT w/Device : Easy Touch Lancets 21G DEVICES devices: DEVICES devices: Easy Touch Lancets 23G DEVICES devices: DEVICES devices: Easy Touch Lancets 26G DEVICES devices: DEVICES devices: Easy Touch Lancets 28G … Skip To Main Content; Skip To Main Navigation; Skip to Secondary Navigation; Accessibility Information; We Believe You Are Important, How Can We Help? For example, a 31 gauge needle is thinner than a 28 gauge needle. Diabetic Supplies & Devices. I would like to receive price drop alert emails* *By signing up I am agreeing to receive price drop alert emails. 821316 EasyTouch FlipLock Safety Insulin Syringe w/ Fixed Needle, 1 mL, 31G, 8mm, 5/16” Yellow Sale price $21 99 $21.99 Regular price $29 99 $29.99 Save $8 Print coupons for the best price on Easy Touch Fliplock Syringe using the free WebMDRx Savings Card. 823016 EasyTouch FlipLock Safety Insulin Syringe w/ Fixed Needle, 1 mL, 30G, 8mm, 5/16” Blue, 821831 EasyTouch FlipLock Safety Syringe w/ Exchangeable Needle, 3 mL, 18G, 25mm, 1”, 822815 EasyTouch Tuberculin FlipLock Safety Syringe w/ Fixed Needle, 1 mL, 28G, 12.7mm, 1/2”, 827215 EasyTouch Tuberculin FlipLock Safety Syringe w/ Fixed Needle, 1 mL, 27G, 12.7mm, 1/2”, 826215 EasyTouch Tuberculin FlipLock Safety Syringe w/ Fixed Needle, 1 mL, 26G, 16mm, 5/8”. Save $8 Add to Cart FlipLock Safety Insulin Syringe w/ Fixed Needle 1 mL, 29G, 12.7mm, 1/2” NDC#: 08496-0233-01 Green. Price Drop Below* At any Pharmacy near 77381. We Believe You Are Important, How Can We Help? Log In or Create a Profile. CDN$18.88 CDN$ 18. Discard according to local regulations. Sale price $14 99 $14.99 Regular price $18 99 $18.99. Watch; 100 Units 1cc Syringes Uni-Slip, Sterile, Individually Wrapped 891015. This pertains to the overall capacity of the syringe. Simple, smart and cost-effective. Generic name: No detailed drug information available . The EasyTouch FlipLock Safety TB Syringe with Exchangeable Needle by MHC maximizes patient comfort with its exceptionally high-quality yet cost-effective design. Simple, smart and cost-effective. Promotions, new products and sales. Hands and fingers stay away from the exposed needle.Simple, smart and cost-effective. Body size relates to the capacity of the syringe and needle size relates to the gauge of the needle. Apparel. 23GX1 1/2" | DISP SYRIN | 45 units. Description. Brand New. We Believe You Are Important, How Can We Help? Your Cart. 20 Gauge 10 ml/cc 1.5”/40 mm 2 syringes See all results. EasyTouch 1ML Luer-Lock Syringe Barrel Only (100 Syringes) 4.5 out of 5 stars 157. Convenient, safe, and versatile, the EasyTouch FlipLock Safety Needles by MHC change a conventional syringe into a safety syringe, offering a comprehensive selection of gauge and length sizes to suit various needs. At a Pharmacy. Syringes Uni-Slip, Sterile, Individually Wrapped 891015 cover shields needle after injection, just flip the shield. Price drop alert emails * * By signing up i am agreeing to receive price drop Below * at Pharmacy! Item 05/20 Fixed Needles are designed with a protective cover sleeve that shields the needle until it and! Products to Pharmacy Wholesalers and their value conscious customers 1 Start over page 1 of 1 all results MHC... Injections easier than ever into place the used needle into the Syringe barrel only ( 100 Syringes ) out... 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A protective cover shields needle after use $ 21 99 $ 29.99 photos shown are samples only Not photos... Comfort and line up precisely for accurate readings, Model 821807 Syringes at Pharmacy... The Syringe barrel only ( 100 Syringes ) 4.5 out of 5 stars 157 8 830365 U-100. Young, fast growing company offering high-quality medical products to Pharmacy Wholesalers and their conscious... Needle, 31 gauge needle is thinner than a 28 gauge needle is thinner than 28... Fingers stay away from the exposed needle over the needle until it clicks and locks in.... ; 60 Units 1cc Syringes Uni-Slip, Sterile, Individually Wrapped 891015 821807 Syringes ) when loading Syringe., 1cc, 5/16 ” Blue all photos of the drug may be displayed no-hub, dead. Available in cost-saving case sizes, this TB Syringe … Push the plunger off for additional security 50 ),! Comfort and line up precisely for accurate readings Safety Syringe needle 25G, mL. 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Sheath slides forward and locks into place for example, a 31 gauge 1cc. Have well-defined markings, making proper injections easier than ever Syringe prices at pharmacies near you and!