Instead, specific marsupials, the "American opossums," are cited, but wallabies, kangaroos, and wallaroos are not, which should make them legal to own in the state. Required fields are marked *. If you are considering adding pet ducks to your family, the first step is to see if your local municipality allows you to keep ducks as pets. These adorable poultry birds can make great pets, as long as keepers do not expect them to behave like a pet store bird or a cuddly kitten. Under Siege 2 Dark Territory Full Movie Free Download, These are F1 generation Savannah cats, and they have longer legs and prominent serval markings. Answer: Pretty sure you can have them in 49, perhaps even all 50 states. Their popularity is probably why Arizona has spared them.Arizona restricts the family Bovidae which includes a vast diversity of hoofed animals including gazelles, wildebeest, antelope, impala, and muskoxen. Is Percy Sledge Related To Sister Sledge, Water buffalo are a domesticated bovine from Asia that are mostly used to pull heavy loads, but this is uncommon in the United States. It seems rather silly because tenrecs, a species that are not related to hedgehogs but are very similar in appearance and size, are illegal in the state. Larry W Fish from Raleigh on May 22, 2018: Melissa, I don't live in Arizona, but I have a high school classmate of mine that has lived there for years. Hedgehogs became legal in 2016 after the state realized the ones in the oet trade were now domesticated and could no longer survive in the wild. Housing Your Pet Ducks. View band return data to learn where your ducks come from. Jake And Jazz Smollett, This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Licenses can be purchased at an Arizona Game and Fish Department Office or one of 300 license dealers in the state. They can make surprisingly good pets and can be leash-walked when they are well-socialized. Keeping Owls as Pets: Yes, It’s Legal. With their need for open water and dislike of hot sun, it’d take more ingenuity to raise ducks in a hot, dry region. Here are some sites on keeping ducks as pets. Arizona law lists various rodents that are prohibited, including the squirrel family, beavers, New World porcupines, and nutrias. However, would a fox, maybe a red tail be legal in AZ?? In an area that sees truly hard winters, however, chickens can simply be kept inside in a slightly warmed coop, but ducks are not as amenable to this . ✰ It is always advised to get ducklings instead of a grownup duck, because, ducks are unfamiliar to humans and they take their own time to get familiar with the environment. Did you know bread is bad for ducks? I know someone who is the "part" owner of a pet tiger in Yuma, Arizona. ... How this pet arrived: This pet was brought in by a Good Samaritan on 01/06/2021. This is wonderful for weed control — but watch out for your garden. He says that a permit is required to keep big cats as pets in Arizona (and he IS keeping the tiger legally, so he says), yet I've read on your other hubs and various websites that Arizona bans the possession of big cats. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on August 06, 2020: Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on July 31, 2020: are those cutie fennecs legal to keep as a pet here in AZ. A coyote would be amazing to own. So if you are keeping a duck, then keep another one for company. Skip to main content. It’s also a death sentence, as ducks raised by humans can’t fend for themselves in the wild. The "wolves" seen in private zoos and being kept as pets are likely all high content wolfdogs, so technically, any wolf someone can obtain would be legal in Arizona, as long as officials don't amend the rules to ban them in the future.In Arizona, many of the typical reptile species are illegal, including venomous reptiles, crocodilians, and snapping turtles, but large pythons, which are often banned in other states, appear to be legal. Contact information for key staff and volunteers. Sorry, but to me a pet is a dog or a cat, after that I draw the line,Copyright © 2020 HubPages Inc. and respective owners. Confederate Flag Fabric, Question: Can I own a finger monkey in the state of Arizona? The larger and rather rare in Arizona Greater Scaup can sometimes be found by scanning flocks of Lesser Scaup. Names Of Animals With Shells, Yoopers Craigslist Upper Michigan, Some cities will allow only chickens, and some are more flexible. These ducks typically prefer to dive rather than fly and hunters can usually approach the bird quite close before it dives to the safety of the water world only to resurface out of gunning range. Question: Can you have macaws in Arizona? Dayton Freight Employee Ultipro, This is surprising because kangaroos are large animals making them capable of causing injury, and one would think that a state that bans small and harmless animals wouldn’t hesitate to add a sizeable creature. However, despite its inclusiveness, there are a few species that inexplicably don’t appear on Arizona's restricted list. Very informative hub Melissa. These porcupines are native to the Americas, and those in the pet trade are the North American porcupine and the prehensile-tailed porcupine. Ducks Unlimited staff find creative solutions to keep important water projects on track. Duracell 51r Car Battery Review, Even they feel lonely and dejected just like humans do. Pioneer Woman Fried Okra, Robert Kool Bell Net Worth, (more specifically Phoenix Arizona). 4. They will then breed with the wild mallard population, some can fly, some can’t. Dec 4, 2009 #2 veronicasmom Songster. At we work with thousands of shelters all across the country, and not just shelters hosting dogs or cats. Golden eagles are related to buteos, but are much larger with longer wings. Can’t have giant snails but wallaby’s are ok!? Melissa cares for a variety of exotic animals and has completed a certificate in veterinary assisting and a bachelor's degree in biology.If you hate extreme heat or like keeping exotic pets, don’t move to Arizona. Rockne Tarkington Enter The Dragon, We help you find lots of other animals who need adopted. Can you own monkeys from Cambodia in Arizona.? Poultry and rodents. They are smart, fun and enjoyable to watch. Rare Words With Beautiful Meanings, However, would a fox, maybe a red tail be legal in AZ?? Are you allowed to have a Zebra in Arizona? Learn about DU conservation projects in Arizona. Along with hedgehogs and ferrets, sugar gliders are popular exotic pets and are so extensively propagated they are essentially domesticated, although some may not consider them as such. This would leave Old World porcupines, such as the large African crested porcupine and the Palawan or Philippine porcupine legal. by Melissa A Smith 25. Use the search box above to find ducks for adoption in your area, or the nearest place to adopt a duck. If left alone, it will become hard for them to survive. Many completely harmless animals that are unlikely to become an environmental problem in North America (and certainly not Arizona) are prohibited, and some examples include tenrecs, fennec foxes, squirrels, sloths, and freshwater stingrays. “African crested Porcupine {Hystrix cristata}” by Drew Avery is licensed under CC BY 2.0. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately. Exempting animals based on their popularity seems counterproductive to the cause of trying to lessen the alleged negative impacts of certain animals, as it is the more popular animals that are more likely to cause … Cuz when i grow up i want one as a pet. Camel Silver Turkish Blend Nicotine Content, Rats likely are...and ducks, those be counted on the realm you stay in. Some Savannah cats have very low percentages of serval genetics and resemble a typical house cat with spots, while higher content animals can be similar to servals in size and appearance. Things to consider are your lifestyle, what kind of animal can fit in your living space, and your commitment to caring for the animal. by Melissa A Smith 52. Arizona’s comprehensive list of restricted species is particularly distressing since the state has a lot of expansive, rural land where larger exotic pets can be properly maintained. I wonder if laws used to be more lenient and he was grandfathered in?Melissa, I don't live in Arizona, but I have a high school classmate of mine that has lived there for years. There would need to be proof that the animal is a hybrid and not a "pure wolf," although most or all of privately owned wolves have some dog DNA in them. Exempting animals based on their popularity seems counterproductive to the cause of trying to lessen the alleged negative impacts of certain animals, as it is the more popular animals that are more likely to cause problems. The state also has some rather silly inclusions on their restricted pet list, including the order Lamniformes, which is composed of large and/or rare sharks such as the great white shark and basking shark, which are species even aquariums don’t have.