Threading them through the confines of the case while being careful not to damage anything was the only slightly tricky part of the job. Bequiet nos ha enviado una de sus ultimas creaciones de la onceava generación de fuentes de la marca. The 1080p screens on the S21 and S21+ turn me off so much tha… Their commitment to continue to increase their presence in the United States became apparent with the recent founding of a US-based service center at California for seamless after-sales support. Two cable straps are also included and are holding together the two bundles of modular cables that come with the unit. The PSU is solidly built and nicely finished with modular cabling system. Además, ofrece cableado completamente modular y 5 años de garantía para certificar su calidad. Straight Power 11 750W Platinu. PSU has cables compatible with this (or any other) new unit. @Bagaget @lefrancais Most mobile chips end up in some form of mini-PC. El formato de la BeQuiet Straight Power 11 … Old PSU died so I thought I'd try be quiet, never used them before but with limited selections available I had little choice. We received the Straight Power 11 750W PSU in an aesthetically minimalistic but very sturdy cardboard box. If you want to disable superfetch visit, if you really wants to do safe and secure browsing then here on our homepage on just single click you will get