the arms perform synchronous semicircular movements. Thanks. While other styles like the breaststroke , front crawl , or backstroke can be swum adequately by beginners, the butterfly is a more difficult stroke that requires good technique as well as strong muscles. The feet move further outwards and backward, and then inwards and backward so that the legs come together. In 1538, Nicolas Wynman, a German professor of languages and poetry, wrote the first swimming book, Colymbetes. this article, we explain our method for learning breaststroke. Since then, the development of breaststroke has gone hand-in-hand with the FINA rules. breast stroke in American English 1. a swimming stroke performed face down in which both arms are extended outward and sideways from a position close to the chest, while the legs engage in a frog kick 2. Drag due to a wake is Newtonian drag, increasing with the square of the velocity. That’s because breaststroke is the only one of the competitive strokes where the arm recovery occurs in the water. You may also be interested in the following articles that cover the breaststroke’s swimming technique: To improve the level of their performances, international swimmers should do plyometrics, circuit and weight training. However, at the competitive level, swimming breaststroke at speed requires comparable endurance and strength to other strokes. Despite this the energy expenditure is lower than breaststroke. In the recovery phase, the hands are moved forward again into the initial position under water. I know there should be a question mark at the end of the first sentence of the last paragraph. I come back to learn the front crawl stroke. All Free. practiced separately in the water, with pull buoys and swimming noodles providing additional buoyancy. all over again. information about the breaststroke kick can be found here, More After touching the wall, the legs are pulled underneath the body. of the arms. This led to a controversy at the 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne, when six swimmers were disqualified, as they repeatedly swam long distances underwater. Perform one full arm stroke and leg kick under the water before rising to the surface and taking your first stroke. As the arms are pulling down, one downward dolphin kick is allowed (as of the 2005 season), though still optional; more than one dolphin kick will result in disqualification. SW 7.6 At each turn and at the finish of the race, the touch shall be made with both hands simultaneously at, above, or below the water level. Your email address will not be published. Captain Matthew Webb was the first man to swim the English channel (between England and France), in 1875. during the arm pull. The sudden sideways stress on the knees at the kick can lead to uncomfortable noise and feeling for the beginner and to wear for the senior. The head may be submerged after the last arm pull prior to the touch, provided it breaks the surface of the water at some point during the last complete or incomplete cycle preceding the touch. Some swimming teachers believe that learning the front crawl first gives a higher risk of an incorrect scissor kick when learning breaststroke afterwards. The legs move slower while bringing the legs into position for the thrust phase, and move very fast during the thrust phase. Could a friend shoot a video of you swimming breaststroke and then post it for example on Youtube so we can have a look? This is due to the fact that during the leg recovery, the thighs are pulled forward into the water against the swimming direction, which creates a lot of drag. towards the head) along the side of the body. In the second phase of the arm pull, the arms move further back. The arms perform semicircular movements, and the legs perform a frog kick. I was wondering if how you breath under water. Breaststroke is a swimming style in which the swimmer is on their chest and the torsodoes not rotate. The downward butterfly kick was legalized by FINA, WWF and the NCAA in 2005, and remains optional. the legs should have recovered and be above buttocks when arms’ insweep ends. After the body is completely submerged, the body is pushed off the wall with both legs. [1][2], Breaststroke is the slowest of the four official styles in competitive swimming. The resulting drag coefficient (or more precisely the frontal area) is thus doubled in the thrust phase. In the next section, we will describe the swimming technique of breaststroke. The three main styles of breaststroke seen today are the conventional (flat), undulating, and wave-style. From the streamline position, one uses the arms to pull all the way down past the hips. Finswimming is the progression of a swimmer using fins either on the water surface or underwater. In terms of speed, breaststroke is the slowest swimming stroke. breaststroke, the body position changes continuously during the stroke cycle. The leg movement, colloquially known as the "frog kick" or "whip kick",[1] consists of two phases: bringing the feet into position for the thrust phase and the insweep phase. The undulating style is usually swum by extremely flexible swimmers, (e.g. 1. breaststroke - a swimming stroke; the arms are extended together in front of the head and swept back on either side accompanied by a frog kick.