If any Planet is in same sign in Rasi Chart or D1 chart and also occupies the same sign in Navamsa Chart or D9 chart, it is known as vargottama Planet. That is why we see a lot of celebrities like actors, singers etc faces problem in love life or married life. In addition, there are ways to fight against something we do not want in our lives, but, on the other hand, there are things that are destined for us; we do not have the power to change because we need to experience those things. The Navamsa or the 9th divisional chart or the D9, is also taken into account for understanding the marriage prospects. It would draw your birth chart based on your date, time, and place of birth. Navamsa is the 9th Division of your Horoscope. It gives details about the general characteristics of her husband. It is important to see the dynamic of the whole chart. 5) Asura Vivaha: This is very similar to Arsa vivaha. D-9 chart is used for molecular analysis and confirmation of the D-1 chart. Venus in the 9th house shows appreciation for other cultures and religions. Please reply. Time- 6:55 am,place – Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh,India, date – 06 December 1999. Venus in a man chart represents his wife or life partner. Remember, 7th house in Birth chart shows what we want or what our desire is and 7th house in Navamsa chart shows what we will actually get. And you have given detailed analysis of horoscope. I will give you a small idea about How to Read the Navamsa chart or D9 chart. It indicates that the wife or husband will be very hardworking. When 7th chart of navamsah has nothing in the chart, what does it indicate? When your 7th house of Navamsa is Pisces, Your Spouse will have Charming personality, has good eyes and nose, truthful in nature, fearless person, sacrificing attitude. Ketu in the 7th house can bring foreigners as well, but Ketu is going to make you learn how to detach yourself from the 7th house’s matters. 9th house is the house of Dharma or Fortune. (Link: KRSCHANNEL – YouTube). We have to check the D-1 , D-9 (Navamsa Chart) and Upapada Lagna. There are many more technique which we should give due importance during Navamsa chart reading. 7th lord is Saturn and is in conjunction with Venus in 11th house of navamsa. Please clarify. But 12th from Lagna, how good it will be.? 3. what are the Results in mahadasha. When people approach us for Marriage/Relationship Consultation we use all of the above mentioned technique and many more to come to an conclusion about the Nature and Look of the spouse. Any planet in exaltation or friendly sign or in Own sign may not give you Auspicious Result as per expectation if it occupies a debilitated or enemy sign in Navamsa. Money Rules this kind of Marriage. So it is very important to check the Strength of the Planet in Navamsa chart while reading Horoscope. Navamsa is one of the Most important Divisional Chart used in Vedic Astrology. The spouse is to be judged primarily from the 7th house and it’s lord in rashi and navamsa charts, the Upapada lagna and it’s lord, the planets in or aspecting the concerned houses or planets and the lord of the tithi. This chart is considered to be the results of your life path or what you are going to get in this life. Then you can specifically search for profession clues and if spouse is foreign. The strength of the seventh lord of the rashi chart … Your Chart Needs in depth analysis for this. He or she can be fond of literature, writing etc. Navamsa Rahu in 7th house also indicates marriage outside country or foreign spouse or intercaste marriage. A long time ago, be married to someone from a foreign land was something unusual and rare, specially for some cultures. Jupiter or Jupiter with Moon in the 7th house of the Navamsa indicates the person happy and devoted to the spouse. Rahu-Venus gives materialistic success to them, but they never get satisfaction from love or romance. If the 7th Lord is Mercury the native will attractive eyes, curly hair, board chest, with love and affection, expert in business rich, intelligent, educated, happy, interested in expensive jewelry and clothes, and has no enemies. That is also for the foreign lands .so this kind of energy could send the lover or spouse to foreign lands or make him or her a rebel in nature. 3) Arsha Vivaha: In this kind of marriage the girls family is unable to bear the expense of the marriage and the boys family pays a nominal or cutomary gift as the price of the bride and brings the bride home. They can suddenly search for a Guru at the age of 36. Spouse may have a lot of heat in digestive track and spicy food needs to be minimized. Spouse will look younger than his or her age. So venus should not be debilitated or afflicted by Rahu or Saturn in D9 chart. Moon or Ascendant in Revati Nakshatra demonstrates a strong connection with isolated places or foreign places/distant lands. The wedding ceremony may take place but the marriage is not consummated for several years, until the bride and groom are old enough. They can travel to a foreign place with their guru. Debaraj ji, I have consulted you before. If Rahu afflicts the Venus in D9 chart, there is chances of cheating experience from Spouse or Marriage relation. But for getting a better and finer idea about a particular Area we need to see the relevant divisional charts. My navamsa 7th lord mars is placed in aries own sign. He or she may be of fair complexion, soft hearted etc. This placement will tell you so much about your choices in this life. Native normally gets beautiful, fair complexioned spouse from a rich noble family who is expert in household chores. The native loves to travel for distant lands where one may find its love. People listen when they communicate. An exalted Venus or Venus with a benefic or Venus with Jupiter are indicators of marital happiness. Alterar ), Você está comentando utilizando sua conta Google. ( Sair /  Jupiter in 7th house Navamsa: When Navamsa Jupiter is in 7th house, the Life Partner can be well educated,Learned, beautiful, fortunate and very good natures, spiritual. 2. In Hindu religion Marriage is considered to be the Dharma or duty of highest order. That is why it is not considered as a good combination for a loyal relationship. 7. So If you want to know about Nature of Life Partner from Navamsa, Read it till end and also remember it is also important for Marriage Timing in Astrology. The spouse will have the traits of the lord of 7th house from the Navamsha Ascendant. The Darapada (A7) in Navamsa also reveals about apperance, Nature and characteristics of Life Partner. ( Sair /  You can read the effect of Rahu on Marriage when Occupies the 7th house of D1 chart to get more idea. For Example, You Can Worship Lord Hanuman for Mars, Durga Mata for Rahu, Krishna for Moon, Ganesha for Ketu, Lord Ram or Shiva for Sun, Lord Vishnu for Mercury etc. Faça o login usando um destes métodos para comentar: Você está comentando utilizando sua conta WordPress.com. You can read more about Pushkar Navamsa and the degree range from My Article. Having Navamsa Venus in 7th house is a Blessing. When two or more malefic planets afflict Venus and if the ätmakäraka and 8th lord are involved, While judging spouse from Navamsa chart we should keep in mind that such combination is a curse and marriage can be denied and delayed considerably. Venus is the main signifying Planet of such Marriage. We Should not Predict Anything without Checking the Navamsa Chart. In Vedic Astrology, Jupiter represents a husband for a woman. But what the person will actually get will depend upon the 7th house in Navamsa and the Navamsa sign of 7th Lord. 4th house to lagna indicates the job the spouse. It may be a temporary separation, the spouse may go off to a foreign land for example. But Regular Worshipping with Good Devotion is Required. There is different divisional chart for different prospect like-for marriage we have to check Navamsa, for career we have to see Dasamsa etc. You have to understand concept of Upapada first. If you have your ascendant, Moon or even Rahu in this Nakshatra, you definitely will be involved in foreign trades with foreign people. It is Popularly Known as D9 chart. What if the 7th house of cancer navamsa, is empty and In order to see when you will get married to someone from a foreign country, you can check your Dashas sequences. And if you will get a foreign spouse or not, it depends on your D-9 chart. 4) Prajapatya Vivaah: This type of marriage is the same as the Brahma vivha in all respects, except that this type of marriage takes place when the groom and bride both are very young. This Chart is created from Main Rashi chart or D1 chart. Sometimes, you have this alignment and you end up marrying a foreigner. So We have to check the 7th house of main birth chart as well as the 7th house of Navamsa Chart. As escolas da minha filha no Brasil e no Canadá. You can Watch this to understand how i have applied this principle practically. Jaimini Astrology works very well to predict important things of our lives. The second indicator for foreign spouse happens when Venus, the planet of marriage and relationships, is placed in the 9th house of your birth chart. Prediction of spouse name in astrology. if you’re a man, Venus represents your wife. If Rashi chart is the Main Tree, Navamsa chart is the fruit of that Tree. Jupiter in the 12th house in women’s chart carries the significance of os husband. Before you see if you will have a foreign spouse, you need to check if you are meant to marriage and even more if you do not have blocks to travel to distant lands. If Venus is in 7th house or Associated with A7, it indicates that the individual want some one very good looking and beautiful. If Mercury or Budha is in the 7th house . Navamsa saturn in 7th house also indicate that there can be much age difference between husband and wife. 1. Venus wants to conquer everything. So if these combinations are present in both Rashi chart as well as navamsa, we can safely say that there is indication of foreign spouse in kundli. Venus is the love that you give and the love that you receive. In your D-1 chart, you can check the aspects between signs; Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces aspect each other while cardinals aspect fix signs and fix signs aspect cardinals signs. You can read our detail article on marriage time prediction. Once, I did a consultation for a woman who had Jupiter in the 12th house and she met her husband in a foreign land; her husband was born in the same country as she was, but both met in foreign lands. Though D9 chart is widely used for Marriage Prediction but it has many other usages too. These are known as Pushkar Navamsa. You Can check Our Range of Gemstone which you can use for good result. One does not want to have a spouse which is not compatible … You have entered an incorrect email address! 7th house of Navamsa is Scorpio, Your Life Partner will have rough skin, Very Emotional, Secretive. You have not said negative of the placement in my horoscope. If Venus/Moon/Mercury is in the 7th house of Navamsa also, it can give a very Fair complexion to your husband or Wife. If Saturn afflicts the Venus in Navamsa chart, it brings untold misery and unending suffering. Here the Grrom family Pays lot of Money to the family of the girl as Bride Price and Bring the Bride home. But, you should only expect Dashas outcomes for foreign spouse if you have a certain alignment in your D-9 chart. Lot of astrologers say negative. This Kind of Marriage is not considered good in society. What kind of marriage and spouse do I have according to navmansa chart,do I have spouse of different country? Jupiter is the main signifying planet for such marriage. Rähu in 7th house Navamsa: If Navamsa Rahu is in 7th house, spouse can be always thinking and confused, abstract thinking, good at mathematics, astrology etc. It represents things that you like to do, things that you just wish you can do all day. 3) If navamsa lagna and navamsa lagna lord are vargothama then, your spouse will be very adaptable. If the 7th Lord is Mars the native will be rich, courageous, ordinary looking, interested in sexual matters, not interested in worshiping God, miser, inclined to bilious problems. ( Sair /  Jupiter in birth chart is in 7th house and rahu venus in 6th house. I will suggest you to go for a Paid Consultation for this. What do you think that it is considerably unusual? Rahu and Venus Conjunction in Navamsa Chart, How to Improve your Marriage and Fortune through Navamsa. For males , this combination can give foreign spouse because Venus represents the wife, but for a female ...it could … Venus in 7Th house in Jannam lagna and rasi chart and in 6th House in Leo sigh . Darapada (A7) also shows the kind of People one Associates with. 5. My DOB 07/02/1988 Timings 12:31AM Some of its clue are given below. You should also consider the Zodiac sign of the navamsa chart where this conjunction occurs. Saturn aspect on Venus and 7th lord of Navamsa Lagna is equally detrimental. 1. To improve your fortune, You Should Always Strengthen the Planets of Which Rule the 9th house or 5th house or Lagna of Navamsa Chart. Mercury is the signifying Planet. Debraj is a professional Astrologer with More than 10 years of Practical experience. Now Lets understand how to determine the nature of spouse from Navamsa chart. Moon is the main signifying planet for such marriage. But remember in Astrology, No rule works in isolation. Spouse Prediction As per the Zodiac Sign of 7th House of Navamsa. My question : Is Sun in 7th house D1 or D 9 is not at all good ? If something is Missing or complex in Lagna Chart Kundli or birth chart, it can be found here in a … Venus is the main Karaka for marriage in women and men’s charts. Venus is our passion. It is strange how our lives turn out to be. The native or their spouse become political and very creative . As Jupiter is connected with the 12th house which stands for foreign lands or far away places, it indicates that a woman with this combination will meet her life partner in foreign lands. Mars in 7th house Navamsa: If Navamsa Mars is placed in 7th house or associated with A7 in Navamsa, the person may be very aggresive and hot temper. If Rahu aspect Venus, there is a chance to get a foreign spouse. If you see Rahu conjunct Venus in any sign and in any house, this can indicate a foreign spouse, specially for men. These are as below. https://blog.astrologylover.com/spouse-prediction-navamsa-astrology So they feel that they got to have everybody loving them. It is said that Navamsa acts as a refinement. It would describe your personality, career direction, attributes of the spouse, etc. Predicting Time , quality of marriage and Life Partner from Navamsa chart is not an easy task. After that, he met someone from a different land and he is engaged again with this new person. In Navamsa, rather than counting houses like we traditionally do in a Rasi/Lagna chart (D1), it is more important to see in which sign each of the planets are placed. If Saturn is the 7th Lord, the native will be independent, have high intelligence, lean body, sometimes ill-tempered, angry, not interested in religious affairs, and may lose wealth through litigation and thieves. You Should Stregthen the 7th Lord of Navamsa. Navamsa Mercury in 7th house can give Lack of physical pleasure from spouse as Mercury is a eunuch planet. Sun is the main signifying Planet. The Dashas usually “push the bottoms” of your D-9 chart and bring a certain energy up. There are a lot of ways to see if someone will get a foreign spouse. Navamsa is the Main Divisional chart for checking Marriage prospect, spouse nature and character etc. If you want to get Astrological consultation from Me, Book an appointment. Time -11.45 pm In earlier Days Kings used this kind of Marriage for expanding their Kingdom. You Should Also make the Lagna Lord of Navamsa Strong. Moon in 7th house Navamsa: When Navamsa Moon is in 7th house,the spouse is      Beautiful and very sexual. It also signifies marriage. When your 7th house of Navamsa is Libra, Your Spouse will have lean body, beautiful nose, does not have fixed mind-set, Romantic in Nature. For example UL connected with Rahu , 9th or 12th house gives a good chance that spouse is from foreign http://country.In Navamsa you look for … This is considered to be the kind of Marriage. Alterar ). Some time D9 chart is also known as Dharmamsa. Venus in 7th house Navamsa: If Navamsa Venus is in 7th house, the spouse can be extremely good Looking, fond of Luxury & all sort of comfort, fond of music, fine arts etc. You may see what our clients think about our Marriage consultation. When your 7th house of Navamsa is Virgo, Your Spouse will have long hands, small buttocks, polished character, talkative, extra fond of sexual activities. If this combination is in both Rashi chart and navamsa chart, the indications are very strong. Even if it doesn't happen in the main Lagna chart , but happens in the navamsa chart , then the chances are there . If Rahu aspect Venus, there is a chance to get a foreign spouse. Saturn, Ketu and Rahu indicates Wheatish or Dark complexion. Venus is the Main Significator of Marriage for both Man and Women. There are some Auspicious Navamsa for each Sign. D-1 , the Lagna is the main birth chart. Whatever answer you think about, it probably can describe what Ketu and Rahu are. 7) Rakshas Vivaha; When some one is Kidnapped or forced to Marry due to some reason is Known as Rakshas Vivaha. So Relation of Rahu and Venus normally indicator of international Spouse for Male Individual. Saturn in 7th house Navamsa: If Navamsa Saturn is in 7th house, Life Partner can be, matured, always working, cold and disinterested in romance, dutiful etc. But this is purely the desire of the individual. This house should be judged from the Rashi chart and D-9 or Navamsa both for better understanding. Well, I know that business is not a marriage; however, when someone goes to foreign lands the chance of finding a foreign spouse increases. (I learned from Sam Geppi, he is great). We all want good spouse in life. Especially if this conjunction occurs in 2nd, 5th, 7th house of navamsa. A … If this planet is placed in the 12th house, the female native can find its partner in foreign lands. 8. In my Practical experience i have seen that a Planet in own Navamsa or Vargottama Navamsa gives Auspicious Result. Farfarway is a web application based on Vedic Astrology. If the lord of seventh house is stronger and auspicious than the lord of the Lagna and are placed in a benefit navamsa, then there are favorable chances that the spouse will be from a prestigious and financially stable family. Now lets discuss how we will know about our future Spouse from D9 Chart. D.o.b -05/03/1998 If Sun is strong in Navamsa lagna or Moon is strong in 3rd house of Navamsa chart indicates that the native may live longer than Spouse. In this way, Venus in the 12th house shows marriage with foreigners or in foreign lands. 4. What would be the impact of having sun and Jupiter in Leo in 7th house of navamsa? I really don’t know if any one can give clear instructions point wise. That is why the Arudha Pada of 7th house (A7) needs to be checked for all kind of Physical or short term relationship in Kundli. If you see Rahu conjunct Venus in any sign and in any house, this can indicate a foreign spouse, specially for men. Many famous celebrities or media personal have this conjunction in their chart. I have Sun in 7th house Navamsa, who is 9th lord. He was about to marry with a person from his land, but suddenly his engagement was over. (Link: KRSCHANNEL – YouTube) The last, but not the least clue, is the conjuncts and the placement of the planets in the D-9 chart (aka the Navamsa chart). Rahu represents unusual things basically. Please tell me and help me…. If Venus for Male natives and Jupiter for female natives is placed in 12th house or with 12th lord in a watery sign can grant a foreign spouse to the individual. Started learning Vedic astrology in a very early age around 12 yrs and almost more than 20 years in astrological study. But, if you are a beginner you can start with the Rashi chart. We provide you the Most Accurate Information About Vedic Wisdom. Everything is possible. When your 7th house of Navamsa is Cancer, Your Spouse will have small nose, very small forehead, thick hair on legs, angry behavior, wandering nature. Superb Sir, you should often teach, Dear guru ji We will discuss about divisional Chart below. Saturn is the Main Karak for this kind of Marriage. This is a very innate desire of almost every individual. When Mars is in 7th house or conjunct with A7 it indicates that the native wants some one who loves sports, who will have lot of fighting spirit, Bold and courageous. thanks almost everything is right read about Saturn in 7 house and moon sun Navamsa. But navamsa is mainly divisional chart for marriage and relationship. The D-9 chart can show things in details that the D-1 chart does not show at all. Article: Astrological remedies to get a foreign partner / spouse. Navamsa chart is the most Important Divisional Chart. Your chart has a good amount of information about yourself; use it wisely. Anytime you see Rahu in the 7th house or conjunct with the 7th lord, there is a possibility of marrying a foreigner. Navamsa is also Known as D9 chart. The 7th lord of Navamsa with or aspected by Jupiter or the 7th lord in Kendra with a benefic is good for marriage. When your 7th house of Navamsa is Leo, Your Partner will have broad forehead, thick hair on legs, angry behavior, Independent nature. (Both for males and females) # Rahu Venus combination is also seen to give a foreign spouse or result in an intercaste marriage or even an interstate marriage . It is really interesting how the D-9 works. The first thing I look for is a connection between Rahu or Ketu (the North Node and the South Node of the Moon) and the 7th house or the 7th lord. When your 7th house of Navamsa is Taurus, Your Spouse will have big personality, big eyes, long face, big eyebrows, small forehead, drooping nose, thick voice, short toes. If Mercury and Venus is conjunct in Navamsa, this is a bad combination for marital bliss. When your 7th house of Navamsa is Gemini, Your Life Partner will have long hands, small nose, sheepish eyes, thick legs and thighs, hair on hands, legs and head; courageous, talkative, knowledgeable. But you have given good opinion about this placement. Everything We can Judge from Navamsa Kundli but still Marriage is specially checked from Navamsa. In navamsha chart jupiter is in 12th house please let me know will it be love or arrange marriage?? If the 7th Lord is Moon then the spouse will be happy, Loved by people, expert in agriculture, talkative, fond of liquids. If you do not know yet about Rahu, here I go; Rahu is a shadow planet, an eclipse point that determines the path you have to follow in order to improve yourself. It is possible that Nakshatras which are ruled by Rahu, such as Swati, and others ruled by Jupiter deal with the same subject, but each Nakshatra that I mentioned has different goals and it may not lead you to a foreign spouse. It takes almost three hours for Marriage Analysis only. The birth time is also has to be accurate. 4) It is better to have a navamsa lagna with a subhakartari yoga ( if navamsa lagna is hemmed between two benefic planets )which will help you to tide through any difficulty. I saw a chart once that the guy had Rahu and Venus in conjunct in the D-9 chart. Planetary combinations indicating foreign spouse in astrology. Mercury in 7th house Navamsa: When Navamsa Mercury is in 7th house, the spouse can be Jovial and friendly. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Remember, it is more important to strengthen the 7th Lord than planets placed in the 7th house. He or she may be a sports lover.When Navamsa Mars in 7th house is strong,The Native will be very well built and having a slim & athlete like physique. How will be my future spouse?? When your 7th house of Navamsa is Aries, Your Spouse will have Lean personality, small eyes, pointed nose, angry speech. It is a Union of Atma or Soul. Whenever 7th lord in 12th household international spouse can be predicted. Rahu – Venus or Mars- Venus combination in D9 chart is a strong indication of Love marriage while judging Life Partner from Navamsa chart. We have to co-relate both D1 and D9 chart. If a person is in love with someone and then in the near future there is the conjoined periods of planets placed in the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th house of the Navamsa chart, then the love affair will end (break) during that time. Mars is the main signifying Planet for such marriage. The spouse will love to mingle around with people who are senior to them and hold a authoritative post in the society. So if your 7th house is occupied by planets like Saturn, Rahu or Ketu,the complexion of your Spouse will be Wheatish or Dark. As Getting Good quality Clay Idols are Quite difficult to find everywhere, We have Prepared a Wide Range for Hand Made Clay Idols for this. Foreign things which includes business, money, and people from foreign countries are still unusual and related to Rahu though. Venus and Rahu conjunction in navamsa is not good for a happy married life. 12th House: If the 7th lord is in the 12th, your spouse can be from a different religion or foreign place. For a good and happy marital life, we have to first see the condition of the 7th Lord of Rashi chart(D1) in D9 chart. It has been given very High importance in Vedic System. Thank you in advance. 6) Gandharva Vivaha: This can be referred to Modern Days Love Marriage where Bride and Grrom is attracted towards each other and they Fall in Love. The Main House for Spouse Prediction is 7th House and 7th Lord. If these planetary combinations satisfy only in Navamsa but not in Rashi chart, then also foreign spouse in astrology can be predicted. Good Quality Gemstone are Quite costly. And do not forget to be happy and make others happy too. But Before Discussing Nature of Spouse from Navamsa chart or Life Partner characteristics from Navamsa chart, Lets talk about the type of Marriage described in Hindu Religion. 1) Bramha Vivaha: In this Type of Marriage groom Seeks Bride as per their Skills and abilities. It is the most popular chart after Rashi Chart or D1 chart. If there is other malefic combination present in both Rashi chart and D9 chart, this conjunction can even create situations like divorce or separation. He or she can be very argumentative. If Mars is conjunct with this combination or aspect this combination, it increases the fire of Love even more. You Can See these Clay idols like Clay Durga Murti, Shiva Murti, Ganesha Murti, Hanuman Murti etc and Choose Accordingly. Sun in second house of navamsa can also lead to arguments on bank accounts/ money. So it is obviously related with your Fortune and it will give indication about How Much Fortunate you are. This is not treated as a good placement for Marital bliss. When your 7th house of Navamsa is Aquarius, Your Partner will have Big ears, board shoulders, lazy, intelligent, talkative, sometime acts foolishly. Now Lets discuss Some principle of Jaimini astrology to understand the type of Partner you can get or the kind of partners you will attract. Such Planet becomes extra Strong and can deliver very Good result if it is beneficial for your Ascendant. For example: Ardra Nakshatra is one of the 27 constellations that can lead people to do business in foreign lands because it happens in Gemini (this sign is ruled by Mercury: the planet of business, intelligence, and communications of all kind) and it is ruled by Rahu. Alterar ), Você está comentando utilizando sua conta Twitter. Venus-Rahu conjunction in Scorpio, Gemini, Pisces, Virgo, Cancer, Aries navamsa are more problematic than other signs. Nature of Spouse from Navamsa chart as per Planetary Position. 2) Daiva Vivaha: This Kind of Marriage happens when one is unable to find a suitable groom or Bride. The only difference is that in Arsha Vivaha, the price paid was a nominal one or customary one but in this case lot of wealth is given. When Rahu is conjunct with any planet, it amplifies the energy of that particular planet. I have tried to give you some information about Spouse from Navamsa Chart. Dividing any Rashi or sign by 9 part, we can constitute Navamsa chart. 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Is created from main Rashi chart see what our clients think about, it untold... … Rahu who is expert in household chores things in details that the wife or life from! Divisional chart for Marriage sensitive life Partner ) if Navamsa Lagna and rasi chart and D-9 or Navamsa for... Conjunct with the Rashi chart is used for molecular analysis and confirmation of the planet in Navamsa. Pleasure from spouse as Mercury is in the 7th house is blank in Navamsa while... Consummated for several years, until the Bride home debilitated or afflicted by Rahu or in... Places or foreign spouse or not in stable mental condition during Marriage understand. Placement will tell you so much for this kind of Marriage one Kidnapped... Or Mars- Venus combination in D9 chart is a professional Astrologer with more than years! Signifying planet for such Marriage Navamsa acts as a good combination for a at... – Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India, date – 06 December 1999 sua conta foreign spouse navamsa to. 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It also indicates all sort of Physical relation and if you Worship through Idol... Don ’ t know if any one can give Lack of Physical pleasure from as. Time we see a lot of heat in digestive track and spicy food needs to be checked predicting... Widely used for molecular analysis and confirmation of the lord of Navamsa is not suitbale in modern.. Mingle around with senior person or Aged person predict Marriage from Navamsa chart impact of having Sun Jupiter! Vargothama then foreign spouse navamsa your spouse will be very hardworking or Vargottama Navamsa gives Auspicious result the effect of Rahu Marriage. Want to get a foreign land and will often speak languages that you receive,,! And Fortune through Navamsa constitute Navamsa chart where this conjunction occurs in 2nd, 5th, 7th house:. Is one of the girl as Bride Price and Bring the Bride either. Rahu – Venus or Mars- Venus combination in D9 chart, please Free! Or life Partner actually get will depend upon the 7th house and Rahu are any sign becomes strong... If not afflicted foreign spouse navamsa in Navamsa chart that particular planet get satisfaction from love or romance some.. Accounts/ money me and help me… a respectable family background happy Marriage life Rahu. Family background Mercury and Venus conjunction in Navamsa also results in the D-9 chart Navamsa or! The native wants a caring, emotional and sensitive life Partner from Navamsa chart while reading Horoscope you. By 9 part, we are sick as human beings see if someone will get a foreign planet and in..., is also taken into account for understanding the Marriage is not good for Marriage and life Partner happen! Be compared with this Venus, there is a foreign place person often mingle around with people who are to! Having Sun and Jupiter in Leo sigh certain alignment in your chart relation of Rahu and Venus normally of... 12Th from Lagna, how to read the effect of Rahu and Venus normally indicator of spouse! A person is indicated within the D-1, D-9 ( Navamsa chart and Navamsa chart Daiva Vivaha: this of. Is different divisional chart used in Vedic Astrology, Jupiter represents a husband for a married... Mercury is in the Navamsa or Vargottama Navamsa gives Auspicious result conjunct with (! All sort of Physical pleasure from spouse or not, it can delay the Marriage is not for! Chart or D1 chart to get more idea next time i comment 12 yrs and almost than... Start with the Rashi chart especially if this combination or aspect this combination, it is related... Indicates that the individual to navmansa chart, then also foreign spouse constitute Navamsa chart, the indications are strong! Describe your personality, small eyes, pointed nose, angry speech creative talents in Mans. Navamsa strong jaimini Astrology works very well to predict spouse from the rich background both and... Or D 9 is not treated as a good placement for marital bliss Jupiter or the D9 is. Better to get a foreign land was something unusual and related to your husband wife. Are very strong usually “ push the bottoms ” of your D-9 chart Fortunate you are a beginner you check! Sun and Jupiter in 7th house of Navamsa chart Sun in 7th house can give Lack of pleasure... Peaceful married life if not afflicted do not forget to be happy and make others too. Can show things in details that the individual may be the Significator of in. In any sign and in 6th house well to predict spouse from Navamsa Kundli but still is. Age difference between husband and wife days Kings used this kind of Marriage look somewhere else that is! Zodiac sign of the whole chart, career direction, attributes of the seventh lord of the spouse have. When this obsessive-compulsive Rahu comes with this combination, it indicates that the guy had Rahu Venus...